



本次推送的三篇文献对以上问题进行了探索。在The digital divide: A review and future research agenda一文中,基于50项纳入研究的研究结果表明,影响数字鸿沟的因素可分为三个不同的部分和九个主要类别,包括社会人口、社会经济、数字培训、权利、基础设施和大型活动等。其中,教育与数字鸿沟的联系最大。此外,样本中只有一篇文章考虑了企业层面的数字鸿沟。研究结果表明,在当代文献中,已经发现了一种新的互联网接入形式和类型,以及数字鸿沟的两个潜在的新水平,即算法意识和数据不平等。在Rethinking the corporate digital divide: The complementarity of technologies and the demand for digital skills一文中,受创新扩散、基于能力和技能偏见的技术变革理论的激励,本文假设所有数字技术的创新都必须得到相关技能需求的支持,并且应该融入到创新周期。本研究是使用十年来观察到的1000家俄罗斯大公司的庞大数据集进行的,在关键发现中,通过确定这些创新的最可能时期及其进一步扩散,对数字创新周期进行了探索和可视化;并且通过检查同一公司所需数字技能的相对动态数据,阐述了数字鸿沟的概念。实证结果提供了一个有趣的见解,鼓励通过能力积累和数字技术转变之间的因果关系重新思考企业的数字鸿沟。在Implications of the digital divide on rural SME resilience一文中,探讨了“数字鸿沟”对中小企业在面临冠状病毒大流行等具有挑战性的经济时期开展业务能力的影响,利用威尔士110家企业的调查数据,本文调查了与高速宽带服务可及性相关的障碍和机会及其对商业决策的影响。调查结果显示,由于基础设施投资,威尔士农村地区的数字连接有所改善;然而,许多企业仍然没有可靠的数字连接,位置和到城市地区的距离是影响数字连接水平的重要变量,这些影响在农村地区更为明显。这意味着企业追求多元化活动的机会减少,限制了这些企业在经济挑战时期发展韧性的能力。


The digital divide: A review and future research agenda


Keywords:Digital divide;Digital inequality;Determinants;Levels;Systematic review



This article provides a systematic review of the digital divide, a phenomenon which refers to disparities in Information and Communications Technology access, usage, and outcomes. It uniquely identifies the factors affecting the digital divide that have emerged in recent years (2017–2021) as well as investigate if there are new forms or levels of the divide that have surfaced in recent literature. The findings, based on 50 included studies, show that the factors affecting the digital divide can be classified into three different segments and nine main categories: sociodemographic, socioeconomic, personal elements, social support, type of technology, digital training, rights, infrastructure, and large-scale events. Out of all factors, education has been linked to the digital divide the most. The majority of recent literature have studied Level 2 of the divide. Also, only one article in the sample has considered the digital divide at the firm level. Findings also show that a new form, type-of-internet access, and two potential new levels of the digital divide, algorithmic awareness and data inequalities, have been identified in the contemporary literature. The results contribute to the understanding and development of the different perspectives of the digital divide concept. They also contribute to the stream of literature on the determinants of the divide and to the social inequalities and digital inclusion literature. This review can be seen as a guide for managers to realize and understand the forms that the divide can take and to delve into their organizational capabilities on the digitalization front and evaluate where further development is needed within their organizations to help diminish the divide.




Lythreatis Sophie, Singh Sanjay Kumar, El-Kassar Abdul-Nasser. The digital divide: A review and future research agenda[J]. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2022, 175:121359.


Rethinking the corporate digital divide: The complementarity of technologies and the demand for digital skills


Keywords: Digital divide;Digital skills;Digital innovations;Digital economy;Digital-innovation cycle;Competency accumulation



In this paper, we rethink the corporate digital divide, a phenomenon not studied in detail in prior research. Motivated by innovation-diffusion, competence-based and skill-biased technical change theories, we hypothesize that all digital technologies’ innovations must be supported by demand for related skills and should be integrated into an innovation cycle. This research is conducted using a vast dataset of 1000 large Russian firms observed over ten years, with information collected from open internet-based sources and processed through content analysis. Among the key findings, the digital-innovation cycle has been explored and visualized, by identifying the most probable period of these innovations and their further diffusion. The digital-divide concept has been explicated by examining data on the relative dynamics of digital skills demanded by the same companies during the period of investigation. The empirical results deliver an interesting insight and encourage us to rethink the corporate digital divide through causality between competency accumulation and digital technological shifts. That, in turn, identifies the conditions necessary for the prediction of demand shocks in relation to digital competencies in labor markets.




Shakina E , Parshakov P , Alsufiev A .Rethinking the corporate digital divide: The complementarity of technologies and the demand for digital skills[J].Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2021, 162:120405.


Implications of the digital divide on rural SME resilience


Keywords:Digital divide;Business resilience;Coronavirus pandemic;Rural economy;SME



This paper examines the implications of the 'digital divide' on the capabilities for Small and Medium Sized enterprises (SMEs) to operate in the face of challenging economic times, such as the Coronavirus pandemic. Previous research has shown that rural businesses, especially SMEs, are more impacted by lower levels of digital connectivity than those in urban areas, with this digital divide affecting business' entrepreneurial activity. Using data from a survey of 110 businesses in Wales, the paper investigates the barriers and opportunities associated with the accessibility of high-speed broadband services and its impact on business decisions. Findings show that digital connectivity across rural areas of Wales has improved due to infrastructure investments; however, many businesses were still without reliable digital connections. Logistic regression findings show that location and distance to urban areas are significant variables relating to satisfactory levels of digital connectivity, with the impact of these more evident in rural areas. The implications of which are reduced opportunities for businesses to pursue diversified activities, limiting the ability of these businesses to develop resilience in economically challenging times. Furthermore, the paper considers how the Coronavirus pandemic has driven many business activities online, therefore businesses with less reliable access to digital connectivity and lacking an online presence are likely to be more constrained in their ability to be resilient.



参考文献:Morris Jonathan, Morris Wyn, Bowen Robert. Implications of the digital divide on rural SME resilience[J]. Journal of Rural Studies, 2022, 89:369-377.






